Our Services
We have a range of mental health support services that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.These services can provide treatment, information, tools and advice on how to deal with a range of mental health issues.

All patients suffering from severe and persistent mental illness require rehabilitation. The goal of psychiatric rehabilitation is to help disabled individuals to develop the emotional, social and intellectual skills needed to live, learn and work in the community with the least amount of professional support. The overall philosophy of psychiatric rehabilitation comprises two intervention strategies. The first strategy is individual-centered and aims at developing the patient's skills in interacting with a stressful environment.
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In its ongoing attempts to define, understand, and categorize disorders, and determine the best treatments, the medical specialty of psychiatry is always up against the protean complexity of the human brain. Both biological factors and environmental factors contribute to symptoms of distress, and the role each plays varies from person to person. Both psychotherapy and drugs are effective for most psychiatric disorders, and often a combination of the two works best, although the effects kick in on different timetables.
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De Addiction
Alcohol and drug addiction is now recognized and classified as a disease. It is not a lack of will power, education, or a moral shortcoming. An addict is helpless and needs external support to come out of his or her addiction. The disease of alcoholism (or addiction to any substance) is primary and progressive. That means the problem lies within the alcoholic and it will get worse with time. The alcoholic develops tolerance and needs more and more drinks to achieve the same high. Alcoholism also affects the family.
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Alcohol De-Addiction
Alcohol de-addiction is best treated in specialized centres. The first stage is detoxification. When the drinking is suddenly stopped, the alcoholic experiences uncomfortable physical symptoms (known as withdrawal symptoms).
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Training Programs
We are providing training and orientation programs for nursing students, psychology students, social work students and other students related to mental health field.
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Suicide Prevention Activities
“Thanal”, is a centre for befriending persons in distress and in danger of suicide was instituted by Indian Medical Association, Kozhikode Branch in the year 2001.
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