International Journals

Kumar PNS, Menon V, Andrade C. A randomised, open-label, pragmatic pilot comparison of oral and intravenous ketamine in treatment-resistant depression. Asian J Psychiatry 99(2024)104171
Menon V, Balasubramanian I, Rogers ML, Grover S, Lakdawala B, Ranjan R, Sarkhel S, Nebhinanig N, Kallivayalil RA, Raghavan V, Mishraj KK, Aneja J, Abhivant N, Deep R, Singh LK, Sousa AD, Nongpiur A, Subramanyam AA, Mohapatrar D, Kar SK, Dhimant V, Kumar PNS, Shreekantiah U, Bhandari SS, Ransing R, Ramasubramanian V, Praharajz SK
Factor structure, reliability, and validity of the revised Suicide Crisis Inventory in major depression: A multicentric Indian study Journal of Affective Disorders 345 (2024) 226–233.

Menon V, Balasubramanian I, Rogers ML, Grover S, Lakdawala B, Ranjan R, Sarkhel S, Nebhinani N, Kallivayalil RA, Raghavan V, Mishra KK, Aneja J, Abhivant N, Deep R, Singh LK, De Sousa A, Nongpiur A, Subramanyam AA, Mohapatra D, Kar SK, Dhiman V, Kumar PNS, Shreekantiah U, Bhandari SS, Ransing R, Ramasubramanian V, Praharaj SK. Psychometric properties and factor structure of the Suicidal Narrative Inventory in Majcor Depression: A multicentric evaluation. Asian J Psychiatr 2024;95:104002.
Kumar PNS, Menon V, Suresh R, Uvais NA. Psychopathology and pattern of remission of cannabis induced psychosis. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2023:25(2):22m 03350.
Kumar PNS, Menon V, Andrade C. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 12-week trial of vitamin D augmentation in major depressive disorder associated with vitamin D deficiency. Journal of Affective Disorder 314 (2022) 143–149.
Kumar PNS, Suresh R, Uvais NA. Clozapine-associated myopathic dysfunction. Am J Therapeu 0,1-2 (2022).
Clarissa G,Lion K, Machowiak M, Chattat R, Kumar PNS, et al. A qualitative 5-country comparison of the perceived impacts of COVID-19 on people living with dementia and unpaid carers. Giebel et al. BMC Geriatrics (2022) 22:116
Kumar PNS, Radhika MK, Suresh R, Uvais NA Comparative Study of Sexual Side Effects in Female Patients With Schizophrenia Receiving Risperidone or Olanzapine. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2021;23(4):20m02835
Kumar PNS, Azeez LA, Gopalakrishnan A, Uvais NA. Aripiprazole induced leucopenia and neutropenia - case series. Psychiatry Research 2020 : 293; 113408.
Moidheen S, Thomas R, Kumar PNS, Uvais NA, Katshu MZH. Psychosis in a patient with anti NMDA receptor antibodies experiencing significant stress related to COVID 19. Brain, Behavior and Immunity - Health 2020:7; 100125.
Paroxetine induced galactorrhoea – A case report - Asian journal of psychiatry.
A case of Fregoli syndrome in schizophrenia - Asian Journal of Psychiatry.
Education in person-centered medicine: Indian perspectives- International Journal of Person Cantered Medicine.
Mental health legislation: does it facilitate or hinder mental healthcare in countries of South Asia?- Open J Psychiatry & Allied Sciences.
Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) In the Treatment of Depression and Suicidal Ideation: A Case Study- Case Studies Journal ISSN.

Melatonin in schizophrenia patients with insomnia - A double blind placebo controlled study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Treating residual insomnia in schizophrenia- Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.
Study on assessment of prevalence of sexual side effects in psychiatric patients receiving psychotropic drugs and the quality of life assessment in terms of sexual satisfaction-a pilot study- International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Hyponatremia secondary to SIADH in a schizophrenic patient treated with Quetiapine - Asian Journal of Psychiatry
Kumar PNS, Gopalakrishnan A. Escitalopram induced extrapyramidal symptoms. Journal of Neurology & Stroke
Kumar PNS, Sharma A, Andrade C. A pilot open label investigation of the efficacy of glucosamine for the treatment of major depression. Asian J Psychiatry 2020: 53; 102113.
Schizophrenia Care: An over view considering the family burden, medication adherence, and pharmacoeconomics- Open J Psychiatry & Allied Sciences.